Private Medical
Registered with most major private medical insurance providers
Please be advised that private medical insurance providers recognise individual providers not the practice as a whole, so please ask to be seen by Maxim Gorham Provider numbers below:
AXA: MG04114
Vitality: SP091558
WPA: 920861225
Cigna: a25751
Aviva: 600120050
We welcomes clients with private medical insurance. We are registered with the majority of the UK’s major providers including AXA PPP, Aviva, Vitality, Healix, WPA and Cigna. We are also authorised to deliver on behalf of many smaller insurance companies and cash plans, so please call us if you do not see your provider listed.
Important information
In order to process your private medical insurance claim, we require the following information:
Provider e.g. Aviva
Policy / Membership number
Authorisation code
Expiry date of authorisation
Maximum treatment budget/appointments
Value of personal policy excess
Make an appointment
If you have any questions or would like to book an appointment, please do not hesitate to call us on 01732 647046 Alternatively, book online or you can email us at info@kingshillphysio.co.uk.
Our Insurance Providers

We are proud to be charted members of the following professional associations